Rucoy Online Wikia

General Information[]

Dragons are level 250 Monsters located in the Dragon's Lair.

They are very strong monsters, it is recommended that you be level and skill 250+ to face them.

There are a lot of people farming on them, as their items are very valuable.

This Monster run away from you, when there HP gets red.

This monster drop items from Dragon Set

Drop Table:[]

Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Bow
Dragon Bow
Dragon Wand
Dragon Wand
Dragon Shield
Dragon Shield
Dragon Helmet
Dragon Helmet
Dragon Hood
Dragon Hood
Dragon Hat
Dragon Hat
Dragon Armor
Dragon Armor
Dragon Light Armor
Dragon Light Armor
Dragon Robe
Dragon Robe
Dragon Glove Left
Dragon Glove (Left)
Dragon Glove Right
Dragon Glove (Right)
Dragon Legs
Dragon Legs
Dragon Belt
Dragon Belt
Dragon Boots
Dragon Boots
Dragon Backpack
Dragon Backpack


- If you are a very strong player, and have Defense 500+, you can train on this dragon without much difficulty, many players usually train on Dragon using a Dagger of 15 Attack, as Dragon heals hp and has a lot of hp is an excellent mob for training (but difficult to tank)
